Leadership microadventures to fuel better teams

You love the idea of getting the team away from the office and are sold on the benefits of walking and talking in the fresh air. Thinking bigger, breathing deeper and uncovering new perspectives.

This will inject much needed energy and purpose into the team, but time and life commitments make it impossible to plan a Leadership Trek.

That’s where our Leadership Microadventures come in. We’ll take you to an amazing space nearby, and have you stepping out together for some surprisingly great conversations!

Sample itineraries

  • A ‘walk-shop’ in your local hills tackling a pressing leadership issue, stopping half-way round for an energising pub lunch.
  • Bivouac at the top of a local hill and catch a magical sunset and/or sunrise. Return to work energised and inspired.

Good for

Busy teams who want to get outdoors together but who don’t have the time to travel far.

Standalone or modular

Leadership Microadventures are great as standalone experiences and as a first step to a wider programme of Microadventures. Also as a first step towards Leadership Retreats, Leadership Treks, and Leadership Missions.

Case study

Read here for a Leadership Microadventure we ran in the Mendip Hills for a Bristol-based publishing company looking for a fresh start to digital transformation.

Our microadventures can be delivered as a standalone experience, or as part of your tailormade leadership programme.

Inspirational conversations, outdoors and close to home